Monday, August 14, 2017

New food from old food

With 6 bodies in our household, we go through a lot of food. Being vegan and eating healthy organic foods, we go through a lot of vegetables, because most of what we eat is made from scratch.

Which means we have a lot of food scraps.

So we have a few ways of disposing of those foods scraps without throwing them into the landfill.

We have a compost tumbler, 3 chooks, 2 goats and a worm bin. The animals help process the food scraps more quickly by converting it to poop which then gets composted. But the bulk of our food scraps go to the worm bin.

There, we have all sorts of critters coming to feast...  worms, bugs, raccoons, black soldier fly larva. It's probably the most practical and efficient food scrap processor we have.

So this spring, we used some of the compost from this worm bin on our garden at Soulstice homestead. There must have been a few seeds included in that compost, as things soon began to pop up all over.

Currently there's mostly squash of one kind of another. We picked pumpkins and turks turban last week...

Hostas made an appearance in the early part of summer. The worm bin is covered in cucumber plant, though not producing an abundant amount of cukes. 

Here and there we've seen tomato plants in unexpected places. I can imagine what will appear over the years as we use more and more heirloom seeds! 

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