Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saved a Baby Chook yesterday

When I first got this baby chicken she was covered in chicken poop, shivering and barely breathing. I cleaned off the poop with warm water in the bathroom sink, wrapped her in a dry washcloth and tucked her into my Tshirt while I cooked dinner. I tried feeding her water drops off my finger, then later with an eyedropper.

After a while, she started making faint peeping sounds every once in a while. They became more frequent as she wiggled around in my shirt. When her feet started to scratch at my skin I pulled her out and fed her more water. She soon started peeping a lot more.

Cai got a small tote and watched her as I got food and water and cut a piece of chickenwire to cover the tote. Soon she was peeping so loud and frequently that I really felt she needed to go back with momma chook and her big sister. Amazing what a little body heat can do.

Update 7/3/2017

Update June 2020
Still here - and pretty big!